• Consumer Protection Law and Advocacy — Chicago, IL

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Class Actions Seminar

Stacy Bardo will be presenting at the Class Actions Seminar hosted by the National Association of Consumer Advocates. Together with colleague and co-counsel Amy Wells, Stacy looks forward to a […]

Consumer Attorney Spring Training

Omni Atlanta Hotel at Centennial Park 100 CNN Center, Atlanta

Stacy Bardo is once again an invited speaker and panelist for the NCLC/NACA Consumer Attorney Spring Training. An annual event hosting hundreds of consumer attorneys, Spring Training focuses on the […]

Consumer Rights Litigation Conference in Chicago!

Hyatt Regency Chicago 151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago

The National Consumer Law Center and National Association of Consumer Advocates will be meeting in Chicago in October for the annual Consumer Rights Litigation Conference. Bardo Law, P.C. is pleased […]